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We feel that music education should not a one size fits all approach, hence we offer a range of programs with teachers who each have their own, researched and reputable styles of teaching based on years of experience. From absolute beginners to advanced learners, we are here to support you and your goals in music education with student based learning!


At Player 1, our aim is to foster the love of music and ignite creativity in children and adults adults by teaching you how to play the piano and read music... Not to make learning music a chore that no one looks forward to, or only those with a special talent can achieve. 


There's more to music  education than your weekly lessons. Our tutors offer ongoing and caring support throughout your journey. Each student is offered an opportunity to join an ensemble or to perform at our year concert. 


Our Music Exploration 1.0 and 2.0 programs create positive experiences to foster the enjoyment of learning and playing music. It's a great place to start learning music!


With a hands on approach, we lay the foundations of music: rhythm, melody and harmony. Students are encouraged to engage with music, using a variety of instruments and methods including their voices!


We have found through many years of experience that students who learn the foundations of music in a group have more confidence to go forward in their learning, and are more likely to be team players. After all, thats what musicians do, they play together! 


This course is not instrument specific, although we do expose students to the instruments. Students learn about note values, subdivisions, counting, rhythm, dictation, C major scale, using aural exercises, played by the teachers, or using videos, by playing an instrument. This program is specifically designed for younger children who are not yet ready for private instrumental lessons.​



Our class sizes are limited to a maximum of 6 students, and we combine group-based learning with individualized practice to provide your child with the necessary support to improve and advance their guitar skills.


Depending on your age and experience level (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced), you will be placed in a class specifically tailored for you.


We also offer specialised classes exclusively for adults and private lessons for kids.


Our curriculum is engaging and fun, and to adapted it to the individual needs of each child. The ultimate goal is to give students a strong foundation in guitar playing that will allow them to continue to learn and develop their skills.






Our class sizes are limited to a maximum of 4 students, and we combine group-based learning with individualised practice to provide your child with the necessary support to improve and advance their piano skills.


Depending on your age and experience level (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced), you will be placed in a class specifically tailored for you. We also offer specialised classes exclusively for adults and private lessons for kids.


Our curriculum is engaging and fun, and to adapted it to the individual needs of each child. The ultimate goal is to give students a strong foundation in piano and music theory that will allow them to continue to learn and develop their skills.





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Our hands on approach to teaching will have you playing from your very first lesson.


Our curriculum covers key elements of drum instruction, from hand/foot coordination and proper stick placement to more advanced rudiments, poly-rhythms and ethnic beats. We also offer specialised classes exclusively for adults and private lessons for kids.


Lessons are offered by professional drummers, and experienced music teachers and are designed to be enjoyable to ignite a passion for learning music! The course is catered to each students goals in music; students are encouraged to learn songs and styles they enjoy listening to. 






Singing lessons at Player 1 are tailor-made for any skill level and age, from absolute beginner to experienced singer needing a tune-up of their technique. Sing like a rock star or learn classical techniques, whatever you like; your voice is your instrument! 


From your first lesson our singing teachers will inform and encourage healthy singing approaches to help you build and maintain a happy and strong singing voice. Focus will be put on vocal health, building musicianship, strengthening aural skills, stagecraft, the list goes on!We also offer specialised classes exclusively for adults and private lessons for kids.


Our curriculum covers key elements of vocal instruction, from warm-ups, scales, breath control, to resonance training, harmonies and more. Learn the correct way to breathe, phrase and sing from the heart!




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For students who have learnt at least one year of music.​


Participants work on a repertoire and practice as a band, following instructions from the tutors and understanding how to behave and function as proactive band members. This means they will practice how to count in, work on dynamics, sound tight as an ensemble, and prepare to perform at the end of each Term.


We provide a set-list so students can start working on these songs on their own or with their current tutors. Our aim is to showcase and let the participants experience how to work and behave in a work setting (rehearsing and workshopping arrangements for the songs).







Our educational and fun programs creates positive experiences to foster the enjoyment of learning and playing music. It's a great place to start learning music or to practice skills learnt during term!


With a hands on approach, we lay the foundations of music: rhythm, melody and harmony. Students are encouraged to engage with music, using a variety of instruments and methods including their voices!





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Audition Preparation Masterclass - Four week specialist support program for students with ambitions to audition for gifted and talented school programs (Churchlands, John Curtin etc), live shows or WAAPA courses. Learning and practising theory needed for auditions, repertoire strategies and tips & tricks of the trade.


Audition Intensive Workshop - A one off class available for students preparing for auditions. Take home resources to help students prepare for theoretical aspects of an audition and support for practical aspects, such as repertoire choice and practise strategies.




Isabel Sargon runs our Adult Choir on Wednesday nights with Laura Kendall accompanying. An audition is required and you must be able to read music.


Please email Isabel for require more information. To apply, please click on the link below to get started!



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